The Renewal block
part is easy. Set the renewal % to 100 and the cancel % to whatever
percentage cancel the renewal. Set the cancel flow in the normal
some subscribers cancel before the renewal term starts go into Options/Options
and on the Subs tab check the box that says Allow 0 Iss Bef Canc. Then set
the Mos Bef Canc (or Iss Bef Canc) to 0 and start the flow from there.
The Expires block
The problem here is that if
you renew everyone a few months before expire, as is normal, the original expire
group is now 0 and the model doesn't know how many there were originally so it
can't unscramble that expire group to model the cancel flow.
The solution is to re-enter
by hand the original expire count for those expire groups that have been renewed
but will still have cancels after the expire upload is pulled. Do not
change the future expire groups, leave them as they were uploaded.
This works because the unscrambling process
does nothing with the old expire group because it knows that 100% have already
renewed. It doesn't generate future expires or change subs served
counts. When processing renewals it knows that that group has renewed
before the expire upload was pulled but it does calculate the cancels from the
renewed group.
This works on both versions 5.0 and 4.8.